00:30:36 Rachel Villalobos: https://www.plan.lib.fl.us/handouts/20230216bruno.pdf 00:32:06 Monika Knapp: remodeling areas in our building 00:32:24 Cassandra Konz: We have a new publishing platform for faculty and we're going to be helping admin our faculty project teams 00:32:39 Heather Snapp: Planning various events such as faculty author awards celebration 00:33:28 Rachel Villalobos: https://www.plan.lib.fl.us/handouts/20230216bruno.pdf 00:33:32 Rachel Villalobos: Here is that link again. 00:35:20 Heather Snapp: yes 00:35:22 Sophie Theiss: yes 00:35:26 Susie Del Rosario: yes 00:37:15 Rebecca Thomas: yes, it can interrupt your creative freedom 00:38:56 Susie Del Rosario: students 00:39:22 Susie Del Rosario: true 00:39:25 Anna Karras: Students, faculty, staff, community members 00:39:37 Heather Snapp: faculty authors, deans, dept chairs, library colleagues/admin, students being displaced 00:45:13 Anna Karras: Money, time, staff 00:45:15 Sophie Theiss: budgets 00:45:19 Adrienne Ruga: Staff 00:45:30 Heather Snapp: Food, Technology 00:45:34 Susie Del Rosario: donations 00:45:44 Cassandra Konz: IT support 00:45:44 Sophie Theiss: community support 00:49:00 Susan Epstein: Who is asking all these questions and doing the mind mapping? Sorry I came in late so if this was said, please ignore. 00:49:51 Rebecca Thomas: Is there an online example of a mind map. Or a website that helps us to visualize the mind map? Thank you! 00:50:22 Rebecca Thomas: Okay, thank you! 00:51:08 Rebecca Thomas: 👍 00:51:50 Heather Snapp: 😁 00:52:31 Susan Epstein: I think it would be helpful to have other people with me at the definition stage because I might not understand all the issues -- or maybe get feedback after doing the definition would be good. 00:52:55 Eden Nitcher: lack of confidence 00:53:13 Susie Del Rosario: frustrations 00:53:14 Heather Snapp: I like to explore ALL the options and ways it can go... 00:54:05 Susan Epstein: Yes, good point! 00:56:15 Susan Epstein: Is there a link for the handout Linda is mentioning? Again, sorry I came in late. 00:56:29 Rachel Villalobos: https://www.plan.lib.fl.us/handouts/20230216bruno.pdf 00:56:35 Rachel Villalobos: Here is that link for you. 00:56:52 Susan Epstein: Thank you! 01:01:00 Adrienne Ruga: yes 01:01:04 Anna Karras: yes 01:01:05 Heather Snapp: yes 01:01:10 Rebecca Thomas: yes!! 01:09:28 Adrienne Ruga: Assuming patrons will be interested in the end product 01:09:37 candice collins: time consuming 01:10:12 Susan Epstein: Assuming that everyone will understand the value of the project 01:10:16 Heather Snapp: That people will show up 01:10:59 Susan Epstein: Yes, data would be good! 01:11:35 Adrienne Ruga: Stories are a great idea 01:12:02 Minerva Diaz: Yes Stories are a wonderful idea 01:15:14 Susan Epstein: So, quantitative and/or qualitative illustrations of potential value; got it! 01:28:20 Anna Karras: Working backward in the calendar 01:28:29 Eden Nitcher: Make your email title lines sound urgent when needed, not purely topical. 01:28:46 Alyssa Rudinsky: Please share this recording. I had to step away for a moment and missed some information. Thank you. 01:28:58 Eden Nitcher: Thank you! 01:29:09 Rachel Villalobos: The recording will be posted on PLAN's website. 01:29:16 Susan Epstein: Spending more time in the definition stage will save time in the long run. 01:29:21 Heather Snapp: Making a mind map early on to get the ideas out 01:29:44 Susie Del Rosario: Thank you Linda 01:29:46 Susan Epstein: Thank you! 01:29:47 Heather Snapp: Thanks Linda 01:29:52 David Suarez-Mujica: Thank you! 01:29:54 Anna Karras: Thank you, that was most helpful.