00:33:15 Regina Burgess: Handout: https://www.plan.lib.fl.us/handouts/20211104bruno.pdf 00:36:28 Sharlene Fagan: yes! 00:36:28 Melody Tuli: yes 00:37:58 Melody Tuli: our community. support. etc. 00:38:33 Melody Tuli: free events. where can parents find anything for free 00:38:35 Lisa Clayton-Alley: We are here to support and evolve with our community & consortium needs. 00:39:05 Lisa Clayton-Alley: 3 months! 00:39:06 Barbara Bogdan Butler: 2 00:39:06 Rachel Mariano: 1 00:39:11 Sarah Gantt: 8 years 00:39:18 Melody Tuli: 5 years. 00:39:41 Melody Tuli: Libraries are the only "honor system" left that I know of. 00:40:48 Lisa Clayton-Alley: YouTube, Instagram, etc 00:41:00 Melody Tuli: Netflix 00:42:24 Jessica Black: The local wine bar that does Make & Take crafts... 00:45:11 Lisa Clayton-Alley: A focus on external things like the budget rather than our own creative brainstorming 00:48:39 Regina Burgess: That's right! 00:48:39 Lisa Clayton-Alley: Replace "I have to" with "I get to!" 00:54:47 Lisa Clayton-Alley: Take the time to find what brings the smile/enthusiasm to them personally. 00:55:59 Melody Tuli: Tape into their personal talents 00:56:03 Melody Tuli: Tap... 00:58:47 Barbara Bogdan Butler: Our county organized Wellness Challenge with great prizes. 00:59:28 Melody Tuli: I'm saying that to my husband tonight! 01:00:23 Melody Tuli: Being Positive will Rub off on you, but so does negativity too. 01:01:11 Lisa Clayton-Alley: My mother had us think of 3 good things for every bad/complaint. 01:04:22 Melody Tuli: oh my.... 01:05:40 Melody Tuli: The 3 Golden C's: Communication, Cooperation & Consideration. 01:05:57 Melody Tuli: oh yes! 01:13:08 Regina Burgess: Ooh, I use you, too! 01:13:14 Melody Tuli: my closest girl friends 01:13:17 Regina Burgess: Yes! 01:14:54 Regina Burgess: News 01:15:11 Regina Burgess: Social media 01:15:28 Regina Burgess: Jinx, Nicole! :-) 01:18:42 Lisa Clayton-Alley: When going through her battle with cancer, my mother would set a 5 minute time limit for the worry/tears and then put on uplifting music. 01:22:19 Lisa Clayton-Alley: learning new software skills!! 01:22:20 Sharlene Fagan: interacting with people 01:22:27 Melody Tuli: At work... I actually get to have a Knitting/crochet program that is one of my fav hobbies! Can u believe that! 01:22:40 Melody Tuli: Lol 01:22:49 Sharlene Fagan: Yes! lol 01:22:57 Melody Tuli: I love mine and I'm 61 yrs. old 01:23:01 Sarah Gantt: Working in a small branch!