14:24:08 From Wen : being a know-it-all 14:24:29 From Julie : being a people pleaser 14:26:17 From Terri : Patience 14:26:50 From Wen : Organized 14:27:28 From Wen : Waste time getting organized. lol 14:29:03 From Julie : being a natural leader-maybe people don't want to be led 14:30:54 From Adam : I got really good advice recently that even if I think that I'm giving constructive critique of someone's work (with the intention to help the final product be as perfect as possible), I've got a pretty big blind spot when it comes to recognizing whether the person I'm talking to is ready for the critique or not. 14:31:34 From Adam : That's also true! 14:35:49 From Regina (PLAN): Power Thoughts: 12 Strategies to Win the Battle of the Mind by Joyce Meyer 14:46:52 From Kimberly : compliments 14:46:59 From Wen : frustration 14:47:07 From Kimberly : receiving 14:47:16 From Julie : anger 14:47:31 From Kimberly : I have to learn not to keep myself small 14:48:34 From Terri : I used to do as you Linda in your example. I found my voice and how to express myself better. And people seem to appreciate it. Surprise! 14:49:10 From Terri : Oh yes! 14:58:29 From John : My habits 14:58:33 From Brittany : Habits 14:58:42 From Julie : the power of my words 14:58:52 From Susie : personality/attitude 14:59:19 From Wen : My thoughts 14:59:23 From Terri : Ignoring something when I ought to speak up 15:00:41 From Susie : Thank you! 15:00:53 From Sabrina : THANKS 15:00:54 From Brittany : THanks! 15:00:55 From Wen : THanks Linda