14:07:08 From Sheri : Looks so familiar. 14:07:09 From Amy : It is interesting, my only experience with online learning in the Before Times was synchronous. Did my whole MLIS in a synchronous environment. 14:11:42 From Amy : Does the pyramid reflect an order to the additions? Like practice by doing comes after reading, discussion, etc? 14:12:39 From Susan : Amy, I did on online web design certificate about 11 years ago and the four classes were all online synchronous -- and one class was even via chat (no video) with emailed materials and assignments. 14:15:48 From ZOE : Ooo good point. I can remember class in high school and undergrad when a student would ask "should we be taking notes?" 14:16:07 From ZOE : And based on what the prof said you knew you could tune in or tune out haha 14:16:14 From Sarah : accountability outside of official hw assignments? 14:16:16 From Sarah : haha right ^ 14:19:48 From Connie : I love using https://wheelofnames.com/ to have an easy way to call on students in those one-shots when I don't know everyone. 14:20:05 From Sarah : oo that's cool! 14:21:24 From Sarah : im using the website now - it's fun! 14:23:08 From Amy : Thumbs works well if ppl are using their video. 14:24:16 From ZOE : Ooo yes 14:24:21 From Amy : I have seen research that wait time for boys in elementary school is close to a 4 minute average. 14:24:31 From Sarah : oh wow 14:24:37 From Sarah : interesting! 14:24:46 From ZOE : That is fascinating 14:25:29 From Sarah : I think the most commonly used is break out rooms - discuss with a partner (w/ given prompts) 14:25:48 From Sarah : or if it's a DT workshops - brainstorming with group etc. So very much discussion -oriented 14:30:28 From Kim Hoffman : https://libguides.lib.rochester.edu/panhandle_moves_online - click on tab for session 2 14:33:00 From Amy : This is not on the libguide, correct? 14:34:38 From Sarah : agreed about your point re: faculty! 14:35:46 From Amy : I really like these slides, it shows such collaboration! 14:36:07 From Amy : I don't see them in the libguide ppts tho, is this ppt not there yet? 14:36:13 From Susan : What is UR again? 14:36:29 From Amy : Oops, just saw the second session tab 14:36:38 From Susan : sorry, I was thinking it was an instructional design or learning theory acronym lol 14:37:25 From ZOE : Yay! I'm still terrible at navigating blackboard 14:38:05 From Susan : And we have Canvas, but same here for terribleness of navigation 14:42:13 From Sarah : i like being able to add comments in the margin in google docs for sure. 14:42:19 From Amy : I know that is asynchronous but it seems like they would experience it as help where and while they are doing the work. 14:42:28 From Amy : The google doc I mean. 14:42:52 From Susan : We link to this video on our Libguides -- it's so good! 14:50:46 From Connie : I'll be playing with H5P! Those tools look fantastic! 14:51:03 From Michelle : That is pretty cool. I’ll be playing with it too! 14:51:36 From Amy : Im trying the tool on the right, I found 6 our of 8 things and there is nothing left to click on! 14:52:08 From Amy : ­­URL is not visible to me 14:53:29 From Kim Hoffman : https://jamboard.google.com/d/1qZTHL7bq1mf4RxdWFSAbREoityVoJmOy9lkXH2KRYS8/edit?usp=sharing - add tools that you are aware of that can satisfy the different categories of activity (5 slides in jamboard), use post it notes or text (both found on left side tool bar of jamboard) 14:53:31 From Amy : OH, it was issue number, I just had to click very specifically! I was very determined! 15:00:41 From Connie : Mural is new to me. 15:00:53 From Amy : Most of them are new to me! I 15:00:57 From Michelle : I wasn’t aware of most of these things! I can see many uses for Jamboard 15:01:28 From Sarah : it's like a more complex version of this 15:01:57 From Sarah : you can also have shared boards and private boards 15:02:20 From ZOE : It takes some practice for sure 15:02:57 From Connie : Thanks for sharing the UA mind mapping tool. 15:02:59 From Michelle : I attended a 3-day workshop a couple of months ago that was based on Mural. The presenters put together a really complex and useful Mural for us to use during the whole three days 15:03:26 From ZOE : Oh wow that sounds so cool, Michelle! 15:03:39 From ZOE : I'd like to participate in one I'm still learning myself 15:10:46 From Kim Hoffman : Padlet activity - https://rochester.padlet.org/davieshoffman/panhandle_online 15:28:41 From Sarah : have them organize their bookcases w/ a system 15:28:48 From Sarah : (note to self lol) 15:31:37 From Amy : Oh, love that Sarah. but mine is almost all online! lol 15:33:33 From David : Thanks! 15:33:34 From Sheri : Thank you!!! 15:33:37 From Amy : Thank you! Enjoyed class and "seeing" Ernestine and Michel! 15:33:40 From Ernestine : Thank you 15:33:49 From Michelle : This was really useful. I’m happy to have learned about so many new resources. Thank you!