09:59:54 From Nevin : Good Morning! 10:11:35 From Emily : Form another committee! 10:40:05 From Emily : I feel the opposite; if I'm getting too many mailers, I start to wonder if too much of my money is going towards soliciting donations and not enough to the people I want to help! 10:58:25 From Gretchen : Pat - How do you feel about there being only one 'Friends of the Library' group for an entire county of public libraries - as opposed to individual 'Friends' groups for each branch? Isn't this a new trend? 11:01:14 From Jan : Sorry. I have to leave to go to my station. Thank you for the information and I will watch the rest of this webinar when the video is available. 11:03:57 From Andromeda : The “branch” Friends groups have always been an interesting concept with me where there is an umbrella organization, the branches are separate not for profits and there is no contract with the umbrella organization. How much weight should be given to an “umbrella organization,” if there are no legal connections to the “umbrella organization? Should this not be more of a collaborative arrangement, not a branch concept? 11:06:47 From Cathy : When each branch has a separate Friends group, there is great likelihood that branches in poorer neighborhoods will get less funding than branches in wealthier neighborhoods. 11:08:08 From Nevin : Thank you! 11:08:15 From Mariana : Thank you 11:08:17 From Emily : Thank you Pat, thank you Regina! 11:08:25 From Andromeda : Thank you.